How it works?


You need to collect inputs around a subject? Create a diBoks and customize it as you like.


Send an invitation to all your friends or collaborators to take part to your diBoks


All participants add ideas and vote for the best of them.


You just found the idea you were looking for!

Some examples

Discover some of the features of diBoks. Once your account is created, you can activate the options you need for each diBoks.

Default diBoks

Discover the simplest diBoks. It allows participants to add ideas and vote for the best of them.

Let me test for 10 minutes!

Blur mode

This diBoks is also a standard diBoks but the posted ideas are not visible to the participants! The administrator of this box can choose at any time to modify this parameter.

Let me test for 10 minutes!


The diBoks is completely customizable! Add a banner, change colors and fonts... And much more!

Let me test for 10 minutes!

diBoks created


ideas posted


user accounts

The main features

Add images

For each idea choose between writing text or adding an image


Share your comments in a thread


Sort ideas by categories

Voting options

Allow voting or not, limit the number of votes


Make ideas anonymous


Prevent participants from viewing posted ideas

Discussion thread

Start discussions around each idea

Idea follow-up

Evolve your idea and add milestones


Customize your diBoks with your colors and get a unqiue url

User management

Easily invite and manage the participants of your diBoks

Ideas moderation

The ideas posted must be validated by the administrators


Close votes, adding ideas or comments at any time


Export your diBoks in Excel file

Embedding & share

Integrate your diBoks directly into your website or share it with QR code

Live mode

Broadcast your diBoks in real time and full screen

Our offers


  • Add idea
  • Comments
  • Image
  • Export the diBoks
  • Enable votes on ideas
  • Categories
  • Ghost mode
  • Anonymous mode
  • Discussion thread
  • Custom design
  • No vote for his own ideas
  • Only one vote per idea
  • limited number of votes
  • Limited number of votes by category
  • User management
  • Ideas moderation
  • Idea follow-up
  • Support
  • No advertising


  • Add idea
  • Comments
  • Image
  • Export the diBoks
  • Enable votes on ideas
  • Categories
  • Ghost mode
  • Anonymous mode
  • Discussion thread
  • Custom design
  • No vote for his own ideas
  • Only one vote per idea
  • limited number of votes
  • Limited number of votes by category
  • User management
  • Ideas moderation
  • Idea follow-up
  • Support
  • No advertising


  • Add idea
  • Comments
  • Image
  • Export the diBoks
  • Enable votes on ideas
  • Categories
  • Ghost mode
  • Anonymous mode
  • Discussion thread
  • Custom design
  • No vote for his own ideas
  • Only one vote per idea
  • limited number of votes
  • Limited number of votes by category
  • User management
  • Ideas moderation
  • Idea follow-up
  • Support
  • No advertising

Custom offer

Need a custom diBoks for an event, a contest or a special feature?
Whatever your request, our team will be happy to propose you an adapted solution.

Contact us